ESA SPCD 2024 - Authors Registration before 21 June

Dear colleague,

We would like to annouce that authors of accepted papers and TIC are invited to register before 21 June 2024 for the ESA Space Passive Component Days 2024, which will be held from 15-18 October 2024 at ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.


The email of notificaiton was sent on Firday 17 May. In case you have missed it, please verify the status of your abstarct/TIC on your SPCD profile (available only for abstract/TIC submitter authors):

My profile:

Papers selected for presentation must have at least one author registered by 21 June 2024. Please note that we will check that, for every accepted paper/TIC, at least one author has registered for the symposium before the paper is included in the programme and proceedings. In case you are unable to present, or if one of your co-authors will present, please inform us accordingly.


You are invited to register on this link:

Click here to Register.

Please note that in order to register, you will be redirected to the ESA conference bureau (ATPI) website. You will need to create a new user account.


Authors of accepted papers for Oral and Poster sessions are both invited to prepare a final proceedings paper. Author instructions are availble online.

Authors must upload their full papers as electronic ‘PDF’ by 31 July 2024 via the website. 


The full presentation guidelines have been published on the website. You are invited to read the guidelines carefully.


We look forward to a successful SPCD!

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.